How to make automatic calendar in Excel
76 48965
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Step 1: Add a dropdown list
Insert a dropdown button in your worksheet
- Go to the menu File>Options
- Then Customize the Ribbon
- Check the developer option in the right pane
Create a list of months
- Select your Combo Box object
- Right-click on it
- Select Format Control ...
- Select the Control tab (the last one)
- Select the range of month (in this example AH1:AH12
- In the Cell link, select A1 (explanation, just under)
What is the cell link?
- If you select May, the 5th element in the list, the value in A1 will be 5
- And if you select September the value in A1 will be 9
- ...
The location of the Cell link is crucial for the rest of the explanation. It has in impact on the formula DATE and with the macro.
Step 2: Another Drop-down list for the year
- Create a list of years in a column. It's just the value of the year, not a date (have a look at the data in column AI)
- Insert a new drop-down list
- Link this new drop-down list to this range of year
- Select A2 as a Cell Link
Step 3: Create the first date in function of the drop down
- The year it's the value of the cell link A2 + 2016 (yes, the first year in the list is 2017, so the result in A2 will be 1 and not 2017)
- The month is just the value of A1 (easy)
- And the day is 1 (first day of the month)
Step 4: Extend the days
- In C6, write the following formula
- Copy the formula till the cell AF6
Step 5: Change the date format
- Select all your dates (from B6 to AF6)
- Open the Format Cells dialog box (Ctrl+1 or Home>Cell format>More Number format)
- Select the Custom category
- Enter ddd dd in the Type field.
Step 6: Change the orientation of the text
- Select B6:AF6
- Activate the menu Home
- Orientation
- Rotate Text Up
- Select columns B:AF
- Right click a the column header
- Set the column width to 2.5
Step 7: Add color and borders
Step 8: Add a dynamic title
="Period from the "&TEXT(DATE(A2+2016,A1,1),"dd mmmm yyyy") &" to the "&TEXT(DATE(A2+2016,A1+1,1)-1,"dd mmmm yyyy")
Step 9: Highlight the weekends
- Select all your data with the first row of your calendar (range B6:AF13)
- Create a conditonal formatting rule (Home>Conditionnal Formating>New rules)
- Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format
- Write the formula=WEEKDAY(B$6,2)>5
- Change the background color (orange in this example)
Very, very, VERY IMPORTANT ❗❗❗ There is only one $ in the formula after the column B
Step 10: Highlight the public holidays
- Select all your data (cells B6:AF13)
- Create a conditional formatting rule (Home>Conditionnal Formating>New rules)
- Select Use a formula to determine which cells to format
- Write the formula=COUNTIF(Holidays!$B$2:$B$4,B$6)>0
- Change the background color (red)
Step 11: Hide the last columns with a macro
- Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor
- From the Insert menu, choose Module
- Copy Paste the following code in your module
Sub Hide_Day() Dim Num_Col As Long 'This instruction cleans the content of the cells in your calendar Range("B7:AF13").ClearContents For Num_Col = 30 To 32 ' Test if the month of the cells (row 6) is the same of the month selected (cell A1 or cells(1,1)) If Month(Cells(6, Num_Col)) >= Cells(1, 1) Then Columns(Num_Col).Hidden = True Else Columns(Num_Col).Hidden = False End If Next End SubStep 12: Link the macro to the drop down objets
- Select the Combo Box
- Right-click on it.
- Choose Assign Macro
- Select the name of the macro (Hide_Day) and click OK
Step 13: Your calendar is ready
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